About Me
My name is Kami Redd
pronounced KAH-MEE RED
And I am a chef, author, community leader, and entrepreneur, among other things. My journey has been eclectic and fun combining my passions for cooking, writing, holistic living, relationship development, and, most recently, inclusive fashion to create a beautiful existence.
I've been fascinated by the culinary arts since I was six years old, and it's had a significant impact on my life. This love of cooking prompted me to look into the complicated relationships between food and our emotional, physical, and spiritual health, and I learned early on how food can be used to repair relationships.
My academic background is diverse; I have degrees in Music Business, Media Production, Culinary Science, and Nutritional Science, which sparked a lifelong search for knowledge. My understanding has grown to include yoga, plant medicine, and other natural healing methods. I am also a professional relationship coach who uses Cooking Therapy to help couples develop and improve their relationships through the power of food.
I founded Chef Kami Redd & Co. in 2006, which began as Candied Yam Affairs and grew into a creative event planning company in Las Vegas over the next 11 years. We specialized in creating one-of-a-kind dining experiences that went above and beyond regular meals, mixing sensuality, relaxation, and customization to transform the act of eating into an amazing experience. I went on to become a nutritional professional, opening a wellness center in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and conducting research on how nutrition can reverse Type II diabetes in men of color. My contributions to this industry have been recognized and celebrated, with opportunities to collaborate with television networks and a dedication to creating moments that are both personal and collective.
Surviving breast cancer only fueled my passion to study how food can heal the body and psyche. Outside of the kitchen, I've committed my time to writing, teaching, and advocacy. My book, "Good Morning Life: Morning Affirmations to Feed the Mind," published in 2021 through Redd Ladys, Inc., shows my belief in the power of positive thinking and intention. As a result, I've been able to assist other women in realizing their ambitions of being entrepreneurs and authors.
Moving to rural Texas in 2020 during COVID, altered my perspective on the world. It made me understand that resources are not easily accessible to everyone. So I founded the ETXBBC to help East Texas business owners obtain access to relevant resources and grants.
In 2022, I embarked on a new business as the proud proprietor of Thick Thigh Women, an online boutique and thrift store catering to plus-size women. This program symbolizes my commitment to diversity, self-love, and the empowerment of women of all sizes, as well as my desire to promote holistic health and wellness via fashion.
As one of the founders of 3 Kings Ranch Texas, it displays my dedication to sustainable living and the belief that we can all help to create a more conscious and compassionate world. I hope that the ranch, workshops, retreats, and my work will encourage others to live a holistic lifestyle that incorporates mind, body, and spirit. As a holistic healthcare therapist, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified in a variety of therapeutic disciplines, I am committed to a life of service, learning, and empowerment.
Whether I'm cooking, writing, sharing my knowledge of holistic health approaches, or advocating for inclusive design with Thick Thigh Women, my goal remains the same: to inspire, heal, and bring people together in meaningful and evolving ways.